
اضغط هنا إن لم يقم المتصفح بتحويلك آليًا.


بواسطة : التحرير

سوق العملة الدولية سوق العملات الأجنبيّة، هي نوع خاصّ من الأسواق الماليّة العالميّة. تُسمّى سوق العملات الأجنبيّة أحيانًا "فوريكس" أو سوق الـ"Spot FX"، وهي أكبر سوق مالية في العالم، حيث يُغيّر فيها أصحابها أكثر من 3$ تريليون في كلّ يوم. إذا قمت بمقارنة ذلك بحجم الـ30$ مليارًا يوميًّا، التي يتم تداولها في سوق الأسهم في نيويورك، فسترى حجم تداول سوق العملات الأجنبيّة الهائل. إنّها، في الحقيقة، أكبر بثلاث مرّات من كلّ أسواق الأسهم والسندات المالية الأمريكية مجتمعة!
ما الذي يتمّ تداوله في سوق العملات الأجنبيّة؟ الإجابة هي المال. تداول الفوريكس هو المكان الذي تتمّ فيه تجارة عملة دولة واحدة مقابل عملة دولة أخرى. هدف المتداولين في هذه السوق هو الحصول على ربح كنتيجة لشراء وبيع عملات أجنبيّة وَفقًا لمبدأ معروف، هو "إشترِ رخيصًا - بِع غاليًا". لذلك، دائمًا يتمّ تداول الفوريكس بأزواج. أكثر أزواج العملات المتداولة يتمّ تداولها مقابل الدولار الأمريكي (USD). تسمّى هذه العملات "الرئيسيّة". أزواج العملات الرئيسيّة هي اليورو دولار (EUR/USD)؛ الجنيه الإسترليني (GBP/USD)؛ الين الياباني (USD/JPY)؛ والفرانك السويسري (USD/CHF). لعدم وجود سوق مركزية لسوق الفوريكس، يتم تداول هذه الأزواج وتسويقها عبر الهاتف وسوق الإنترنت من خلال شبكة عالميّة تتألّف من بنوك، شركات تعمل في عدّة دول، مستوردين ومصدّرين، وكلاء أسهم ومتداولي عملات.
تختلف الفوريكس مقارنة بجميع الأجزاء الأخرى للجهاز المالي في العالم بفضل حساسيّتها الفائقة لعدد كبير من العوامل الدائمة التغيّر، قدرتها على الوصول إلى جميع المتداولين الخصوصيين أو الذين يتبعون إلى شركات، نسبة الدوران المرتفعة بشكل خاصّ والتي تأتي بسيولة مضمونة للعملات التي يتمّ تداولها وساعات العمل المتواصلة التي تسمح للمتداولين بالتداول حتّى بعد الساعات العاديّة أو حتّى في أثناء الأعياد الوطنيّة في دولهم، بالعثور على أسواق مفتوحة خارج البلاد. وكما هي الحال في أيّة سوق أخرى، فإضافةً إلى كون التداول في سوق الفوريكس تداولاً خاصًّا بإمكانية ارتفاعه لتحقيق ربح، نجد فيها، أيضًا، المخاطر في نهاية المطاف. يُمكن تحقيق نجاحٍ فيها بعد تدرّب معيّن فقط، بما في ذلك التعوّد على مبنى وأنواع الفوريكس، مبادئ تشكيل أسعار العملات، العوامل المؤثرّة في تبدّل الأسعار ومستويات مخاطر التداول، مصادر المعلومات الضرورية لتفسير جميع تلك العوامل، طرق لتحليل وتوقّع حركات السوق إضافةً إلى التدرّب على أدوات التداول وقوانينه. دور هامّ في عمليّة التجهيز للتداول في الفوريكس يلعبه التداول التجريبي (أي التداول باستخدام حساب تجريبيّ وعن طريق شيء من المال الخيالي)، الذي يسمح للمتداول بأن يطبّق معرفته النظريّة وأن يحصل على القيمة الدنيا الضروريّة من تجربة التداول من دون أن يكون معرّضًا لأيّ ضرر مادّي

What is Forex

The Foreign Exchange is the worlds largest financial market, with over $3 trillion traded daily. By way of comparison, the Forex market is 100 times larger than the New York Stock Exchange, and triple the size of the US Equity and Treasury markets combined. Forex is an over-the-counter market (no central trading arena), meaning that transactions are conducted via telephone or internet by a global, decentralized network of banks, multinational corporations, importers and exporters, brokers and currency traders. This is in contrast to, for example, the NYSE, which is a centralized equities trading location.

Trading on the Forex Market: Basic Concepts

Forex is the buying of one currency and the selling of another concurrently. Typically, the major currenciesthe British Pound (GBP), the Euro (EUR), the Japanese Yen (JPY), and the Swiss Franc (CHF)are traded against the US Dollar (USD). Trade pairs in which the USD is not included are called cross pairs, and occur much less frequently.
The currency pairs are expressed with a base currency as the first part of the pair, followed by the quote currency. (For example, USD/JPY would be the US dollar as the base against the Japanese Yen as the quote.)
Accompanying the currency pair is the quota, or bid/ask price. This is expressed in the following format: EUR/USD : 1.2836 1.2839. The first number in the series represents the bid price, the cost of selling the Euro against the Dollar, or going short' on the Euro. The second number is the ask price, the cost of buying the Euro against the dollar, or going long on the Euro. The difference between the bid/ask price is called the pip spread.
A pip is the smallest unit of measure for any currency. In most currencies, this is the fifth digit, or the fourth after the decimal point; in dollars, each pip is equivalent to one-hundredth of a penny. One important exception is the Japanese Yen, in which each pip is the second unit after the decimal point, meaning each pip equals one cent.

أدوات التداول

Foreign Exchange, also referred to as the "Forex" or "FX" market, is the arena where a nation's currency is exchanged for that of another. Unlike other financial markets, the Forex market has no physical location and no central exchange. It operates through a global network of banks, corporations and individuals trading one currency for another. Foreign Exchange is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. Currencies are traded in pairs, for example Euro/US Dollar (EUR/USD) or US Dollar/Yen (USD/JPY).

Three major trading tools in the Forex market - Day trade, Spot and Forward:

Day trade: Based on the current market price. Settlement of daily transactions occurs within one business day.

Spot: The current market price. Settlement of spot transactions usually occurs within two business days.

Forward: The pre-specified exchange rate for a foreign exchange contract settling at some agreed future date, based upon the interest rate differential between the two currencies involved.

Spot Trading - An Example

The Spread: Imagine the EUR/USD rate is quoted at '1.2500/05'. This quote represents the bid/ask spread for EUR vs USD.

The Ask: The offer rate of 1.2505 is the rate at which you can exchange your USD for EUR or, in other words, purchase EUR with USD, or BUY EUR and SELL USD.

The Bid: The bid rate of 1.2500 is the rate at which you can Sell EUR to buy USD.

Going Long: You believe that the Euro will strengthen against the US Dollar, and decide to BUY or 'go long' EUR 500,000 at 1.2505 (the ask price).

Opening Buy: Customer buy EUR 500,000 at 1.2505
Quote (bid/ask) 1.2500/05
Buy Price 1.2505
Volume EUR 500,000
Initial margin (Leverage as high as 100:1) EUR 5,000

Later: Your prediction is correct and the Euro appreciates against the US Dollar. The quote on EUR/USD is now 1.2590/95. To close your position, you decide to SELL EUR 500,000 at 1.2590 (the bid price).

Closing Sell: Customer sell EUR 500,000 at 1.2590
Quote (bid/offer) 1.2590/95
Sell price 1.2590
Volume EUR 500,000
Profit/loss $ 4,250 profit

Profit/loss Calculation:
Size of trade x (sell price - buy price) = profit & loss USD
500,000 x (1.2590 - 1.2505) = $ 4,250 profit

Or, converting the $ 4,250 back to EUR at a rate of 1.2590:
(Profit/loss : EUR rate) = profit & loss EUR
(4,250 : 1.2590) = EUR 3,375.7 profit

By closing your position you realise a gross profit of EUR 3,375.7.
Had you had anticipated incorrectly and sold EUR at 1.2500 and later bought EUR at 1.2595, a loss of $ 4,750 would have been experienced.

اسعار العملات
Symbol Ask Bid
EUR/USD 1.3169 1.3166

GBP/USD 1.5514 1.5510

USD/JPY 83.890 83.860

USD/CHF 0.9686 0.9682

USD/CAD 1.0118 1.0113

AUD/USD 0.9888 0.9884

USD/ZAR 6.8630 6.8430

EUR/GBP 0.8491 0.8486

EUR/CHF 1.2754 1.2749

GBP/CHF 1.5026 1.5018

USD/SAR 3.7528 3.7478

USD/AED 3.6755 3.6705

USD/EGP 5.8043 5.7893

Symbol Ask Bid
XAU/USD 1377.1 1376.4

XAG/USD 29.240 29.190


High Low Change Range
1.3359 1.3134 -0.54% 1.69%

1.5646 1.5456 -0.76% 1.22%

84.200 83.699 -0.21% 0.59%

0.9719 0.9560 +0.39% 1.64%

1.0146 1.0040 +0.57% 1.05%

0.9926 0.9841 -0.07% 0.86%

6.8832 6.7982 +0.13% 1.24%

0.8552 0.8471 +0.22% 0.95%

1.2792 1.2721 -0.15% 0.55%

1.5077 1.4920 -0.37% 1.04%

3.7501 3.7501 0.00% 0%

3.6730 3.6731 0.00% -0.00%

5.7969 5.7961 +0.01% 0.01%

1378.6 1365.1 +0.44% 0.98%

29.290 28.690 +1.13% 2.06%

High Change Range
1.3359 -0.54% 1.69%

1.5646 -0.76% 1.22%

84.200 -0.21% 0.59%

0.9719 +0.39% 1.64%

1.0146 +0.57% 1.05%

0.9926 -0.07% 0.86%

6.8832 +0.13% 1.24%

0.8552 +0.22% 0.95%

1.2792 -0.15% 0.55%

1.5077 -0.37% 1.04%

3.7501 0.00% 0%

3.6730 0.00% -0.00%

5.7969 +0.01% 0.01%

High Change Range
1378.6 +0.44% 0.98%

29.290 +1.13% 2.06%


اسعار العملات
Symbol Ask Bid Low
EUR/USD 1.3169 1.3166 1.3134

GBP/USD 1.5514 1.5510 1.5456

USD/JPY 83.890 83.860 83.699

USD/CHF 0.9686 0.9682 0.9560

USD/CAD 1.0118 1.0113 1.0040

AUD/USD 0.9888 0.9884 0.9841

USD/ZAR 6.8630 6.8430 6.7982

EUR/GBP 0.8491 0.8486 0.8471

EUR/CHF 1.2754 1.2749 1.2721

GBP/CHF 1.5026 1.5018 1.4920

USD/SAR 3.7528 3.7478 3.7501

USD/AED 3.6755 3.6705 3.6731

USD/EGP 5.8043 5.7893 5.7961

Symbol Ask Bid Low
XAU/USD 1377.1 1376.4 1365.1

XAG/USD 29.240 29.190 28.690

أدوات للمتداولين

أسعار الفوريكس جداول

جدول اقتصادي آلة حاسبة أماميّة

تغيير العملات مسرد بمصطلحات

There are two analysis models applied to market movement forecasts: fundamental, and technical (the chart study of past behavior of currencies prices).
Fundamental analysis examines economic, political and social indicators to predict the economic health of a nation. Currencies can be viewed as the international representative of national economies; it follows, therefore, that economic health is an important component in currency valuation. The fundamental analyst constructs forecast models based on a myriad of different indicators to predict future currency movement.
This section outlines a number of theories and indicators�as well as political dimensions and monetary considerations�that are important in constructing Forex forecast models

Account Balance
Aggressive Trading
Ask, Offer
Back Office
Balance of Payments
Balance of Trade
Bar Chart
Base Currency
Basis Point
Bear Market
Big Figure
Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944
Bull Market
Candlestick Chart
Capital Markets
Central Bank
Closed Position
Counter party
Cross Rate
Currency Pair
Currency Risk
Dark Cloud Cover
ECB - European Central Bank
Economic Indicator
EMU - European Monetary Union
End Of Day (Mark-to-Market)
Execution Date
Exit point
Exposure Closing
Fed - Federal Reserve
Fixed Exchange Rate (Representative Rate)
Flat (Square, Balanced)
Floating Profit/Loss
FOMC - Federal Open Market Committee
Forex - Foreign Exchange
Forward Points
Forward transaction
FRA - Forward Rate Agreements
Front and Back Office
Fundamental Analysis
Futures Contract

GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GNP - Gross National Product
IMF - International Monetary Fund
Initial Margin
Interbank Rates
Leading Indicators
Libor - London InterBank Offered Rate
Limit Order
Long position

Margin Call
Market Maker
Market Order
Money Markets
Money Supply
MPC - Monetary Policy Committee
OCO - One Calncels the Other
Offer Price
Open order
Open Position
Overnight Position
Over-The-Counter (OTC)
Points, Pips
Profit/Loss (P&L)
Quoted currency
Repo - Re-purchase
Risk Management
Short Position
Spot Price
Stop Loss Order
Support Levels
Technical Analysis
Tom-Next - Tomorrow Next
Trading Station
Two Way Price
Unrealized Profit/Loss (Open P/L)
US Prime Rate
Value Date

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